The Life and Times of Sharon Wiggins

I have been married for 22 years to an amazing man. I am the mother of two remarkable kids and we're smack dab in the middle of the teenage years. Every day is an adventure. I am a busy lady who is trying to do it all, and managing pretty well most days. I just hold on and enjoy the ride.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ordinary and Routine

I've tried to write a blog several times, but could never get past the formatting.  It's taken several days and some encouragement and inspiration from my friends, but here I go.

Sometimes I get so caught up in the mundane routine of everyday living that I don't recognize the value my mundane, routine life has.  "How interesting is it to write about cooking, cleaning and errands anyway?" I ask myself.  Other people have such interesting and exciting lives, at least from my perspective of the outside looking in.  But then I realize that those ordinary, routine things I do each day mean a lot to my family. 

For example, I take a lot of pleasure in doing Jenn's hair everyday.  She's perfectly capable of doing it herself, but I enjoy the time we spend together chatting about her adventurous life and it gives me great insight into this remarkable little girl who is rapidly becoming a young woman. 

Brandon loves contests and he entered one at school where he had to make a movie in Windows Movie Maker for his CTE class.  He directed me to take pictures of him doing very specific things.  He knew exactly what he wanted.  When I saw the finished product, it was amazing.  He did such a great job.  My only contribution was taking the pictures, but it helped him succeed.  That's not so ordinary after all.

Just doing seemingly routine things like cooking dinner every night for the family is worthwhile.  It gives us the opportunity to eat together and talk about our day.  And it's usually pretty tasty too.

So the lesson for me here is that parts of my life may be ordinary and routine, but it's also necessary and important.  I'm doing more than just routine chores, I'm strengthening my family. And after all, that's not an ordinary thing.


  1. What do you mean you can't do this. You so can. I think you are off to a great start!

  2. Hi! I saw your blog off my mom's blog roll! Great blog! I noticed you used a blog from Key Lime Designs! Thanks! I just realized I typed the code wrong for some of my backgrounds {how yours isn't covering the whole page...} all you need to do to fix it is change the word "scrolling" to the word "fixed" in the code you copied from my blog! Happy blogging! :)

