The Life and Times of Sharon Wiggins

I have been married for 22 years to an amazing man. I am the mother of two remarkable kids and we're smack dab in the middle of the teenage years. Every day is an adventure. I am a busy lady who is trying to do it all, and managing pretty well most days. I just hold on and enjoy the ride.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Good Intentions

If all my good intentions were dollars, I would be living on an exclusive island sunning myself on a beach, eating mangos and sipping virgin margaritas.  I wake up with so many intentions of things to do to improve myself, help others, and to just make my life easier.  By the time I go to bed at night, those good intentions are sitting in the back of my mind, eating away at me because I didn't do one of them.

I'm still overweight, eating sugar and drinking soda.  I'm still not exercising.  So many thinking-of-you notes that I've been going to write sit blank in my basket waiting for the ink to hit the page.  I didn't get that phone call made.  My fingernails are still unpainted.  I didn't get that book read yet.  My bathroom floor still has hair on it.  There are still dishes in my sink and dust on my ceiling fans. I am still impatient.  And my blog has only three entries since it's inception.

It's not like I'm sitting around eating bon-bons and doing nothing all day.  There's just not enough time or energy to become the wonderful person I want to be.  So here's my latest good intention:  I'm going to be grateful for whatever I get done today and know that I can try again tomorrow.  In the meantime, I intend to figure out a way to turn those intentions into dollars.

1 comment:

  1. A couple weeks ago I heard a wise person say, "Stop worrying about all the things you haven't done, celebrate all the things you HAVE done."

    You are doing so many good things Sharon, but I totally understand how you feel.

    Thanks for sharing.
